“…While the structural chemistry of the actinyl cation is similar between U and Np, subtle differences in the electronic structure impact the overall chemistry of the system, particularly for noncovalent interactions (NCIs) that take place in the second coordination sphere environment. ,, Strong An=O bonding reduces the Lewis basicity of the axial oxygen, but the equatorial ligands increase electron density at the An center, weakening the An=O bond , and promoting a range of NCIs. The interaction between the actinyl oxo and neighboring groups can be classified into various forms, including actinyl–cation (ACIs), , actinyl–hydrogen (AHIs), , actinyl–halogen (AXIs), , and actinyl–actinyl interactions (AAIs) . ACIs, AHIs, and AXIs are found in both hexa- and pentavalent species; however, AAIs are more common in pentavalent species. , When compared to the hexavalent cation (AnO 2 2+ ), the pentavalent cation (AnO 2 + ) has greater electron density at the An n+ center, weakening the An=O bond and increasing axial oxygen participation in NCIs. , Because of the reasons outlined above, NpO 2 2+ is projected to have a higher tendency to produce NCIs than UO 2 2+ .…”