Hohenberg-Kohn (HK) theorem is the foundation of density function theory. For interacting electrons, given that the internal part of the Hamiltonian ( Ĥint), containing the kinetic energy and Couloumb interaction of electrons, has a fixed form, the theorem states that when the electrons are subject to an external electrostatic field V (r), the ground-state density can inversely determine V (r), and thus the full Hamiltonian completely. We ask, for a general HK-type Hamiltonian Ĥhk {gi} = Ĥint + i gi Ôi with arbitrarily chosen Hermitian operators Ĥint and { Ôi}, whether the groundstate expectation values of { Ôi} as the generalized density can equally determine {gi}. We prove that Ĥhk bears an "all-or-nothing" classification by the ground-state correlation matrix defined with respect to the { Ôi} operators. For one class of Ĥhk , the answer is generically "yes" throughout the {gi} parameter space, and for the other class, the answer is always "no".