Plastic events in sheared glasses are considered an example of so-called avalanches, whose sizes obey a power-law probability distribution with the avalanche critical exponent τ . Although meanfield theory predicts a universal value of this exponent, τMF = 1.5, numerical simulations have reported different values depending on the literature. Moreover, in the elastic regime, it has been noted that the critical exponent can be different from that in the steady state, and even criticality itself is a matter of debate. Because these confusingly varying results were reported under different setups, our knowledge of avalanche criticality in sheared glasses is greatly limited. To gain a unified understanding, in this work, we conduct a comprehensive numerical investigation of avalanches in Lennard-Jones glasses under athermal quasistatic shear. In particular, by excluding the ambiguity and arbitrariness that has crept into the conventional measurement schemes, we achieve high-precision measurement and demonstrate that the exponent τ in the steady state follows the mean-field prediction of τMF = 1.5. Our results also suggest that there are two qualitatively different avalanche events. This binariness leads to the non-universal behavior of the avalanche size distribution and is likely to be the cause of the varying values of τ reported thus far. To investigate the dependence of criticality and universality on applied shear, we further study the statistics of avalanches in the elastic regime and the ensemble of the first avalanche event in different samples, which provide information about the unperturbed system. We show that while the unperturbed system is indeed off-critical, criticality gradually develops as shear is applied. The degree of criticality is encoded in the fractal dimension of the avalanches, which starts from zero in the off-critical unperturbed state and saturates in the steady state. Moreover, the critical exponent obeys the mean-field prediction τMF universally, regardless of the amount of applied shear, once the system becomes critical.