In [26] we proved that to each saturated congruent hyperball packing exists a decomposition of 3-dimensional hyperbolic space H 3 into truncated tetrahedra. Therefore, in order to get a density upper bound for hyperball packings, it is sufficient to determine the density upper bound of hyperball packings in truncated simplices. In this paper we prove, using the above results and the results of papers [16] and [23], that the density upper bound of the saturated congruent hyperball (hypersphere) packings related to the corresponding truncated tetrahedron cells is realized in a regular truncated tetrahedra with density ≈ 0.86338. Furthermore, we prove that the density of locally optimal congruent hyperball arrangement in regular truncated tetrahedron is not a monotonically increasing function of the height (radius) of corresponding optimal hyperball, contrary to the ball (sphere) and horoball (horosphere) packings.