In this paper we shall extend the Dunford second integral or equivalently the strongly measurable Pettis integral to quasicomplete locally convex spaces. We shall then give a Radon-Nikodym theorem in this setting which extends a theorem for Banach spaces due to Rieffei. It is shown that the other conditions on the average r nge of a vector measure which are equivalent to the existence of a strongly measurable density in Banach spaces fail to be equivalent in general.Examples are given of locally convex spaces with the Radon-Nikodym property. We briefly discuss the relationship between the Radon-Nikodym property in Banach spaces and more general locally convex spaces.The Radon-Nikodym property and Radon-Nikodym theorems have been considered for Frechet spaces [1], [2], [15] and more generally for Strict Mackey Convergence spaces [5]. In these spaces the Banach space results generally carry over directly or with only slight modifications. In fact the proofs usually involve an embedding in an appropriate Banach space and an application of the Banach space result.
Notation and Definitions.We shall denote by E a quasicomplete (closed bounded sets are complete) locally convex topological vector space, by E* the algebraic dual and by E' the continuous dual of E. By {ρ} we shall mean a fundamental collection of continuous seminorms which determine the topology of E. Throughout, we shall let (T, Z, μ) represent a positive finite, complete measure space, m: Σ -> E a countably additive vector measure, and Σ + = {S e Σ: μ (S) > 0}. Definition 1. A s (m) = \ -^-^-: S' c= S, S' E Σ + >, is called the average r nge of m on S.[ Definition 2. A set property, P, on Σ is said to be local if for every S in Σ + , there is an S' c:S,S'mZ + such that S f has P. Definition 3. m has locally small average r nge if for S in Σ + , ρ in {ρ} and ε>0, there is an S" c 5, S" in Σ + such that A s ,(m) has ρ-diameter less than ε. Journal f r Mathematik. Band 292 17 Brought to you by | University of Iowa Libraries Authenticated Download Date | 6/5/15 12:05 AM