An exact localization of impacted teeth is often difficult to assume by using two dimensional conventional radiological techniques like OPG or dental films. In contrast to these two dimensional imaging method, the Dental slice Software Computed Tomography offers a three-dimensional imaging of maxilla-facial region, providing the opportunity to study objectives in all standard plans with three-dimension, reconstructed and multisection views. The aim of this study is to prove the effectiveness of the Dental slice Software Computed Tomography in evaluating the position of impacted teeth as a presurgical diagnostic aid. 25 patients with total of 40 impacted teeth were classified and evaluated by three sets .The first set of radiographs consist of traditional two dimensional images(per apical , occlusal films and OPG).The second set comprised three-dimensional views obtained from a Dental slice Soft ware Computed Tomography and a third set which was surgical interventions results. Teeth crowns were classified into: type I (buccal or labial), type II (palatal or lingual), type III (half distance of the labio-palatal or bucco-palatal ,labio-lingual or bucco-lingual) according to their position within dental arches. The dental soft ware Computed Tomography succeeded to identify the exact situations of whole 40(100%) impacted teeth crowns that were confirmed surgically in the same anatomical locations. On the other hand there was a Failure of 33(82.5%) crowns that could not be determine their positions by two dimensional images and proved surgically in opposite sides. Three dimensional Computed Tomography is a helpful and stimulating tools by providing the surgeons a perfect mulitislices: axial, coronal, sagital, two dimensional and three dimensional images in one visit and once exposure and permits the oral surgeons to visualize the position and surgical anatomy of the tooth as it will be in the operating theatre, thus establishing sufficient patterns for adequate surgical planning ,reduce of need for exploratory procedures with less morbidity to the osseous structure and time saving.