Developmental dental anomalies have been associated with different malocclusions in various populations. This study verified this association in Brazilian non-syndromic orthodontic patients. The prevalence of dental anomalies was evaluated by examining 2,052 pretreatment records of orthodontic patients. Panoramic radiographs, study designs, intraoral photographs and medical history were collected in order to identify hypodontia, hyperdontia, microdontia, macrodontia, taurodontism, transposition, impaction, and ectopia. Epidemiological data and classification of malocclusion were also obtained. Data were analyzed using chi-square and Fisherʼs exact test (P < 0.05), and the prevalence ratio was obtained from cases that had a significant association between anomaly and malocclusion. The results showed that 27.4% of the patients evaluated had some dental anomaly, and most of them were white women aged 11-20 years. Ectopia, microdontia, impaction, and hypodontia were more prevalent in patients with Class I malocclusion. Macrodontia was the only anomaly associated with Class II division 1. Impaction was associated with Class III malocclusion, at a 1.84-times higher prevalence. In conclusion, impaction was correlated with Class I malocclusion; macrodontia showed association with Class II division 1; and impaction and ectopia were associated with Class III malocclusion in Brazilian orthodontic patients. (J Oral Sci 58, 75-81, 2016)