We consider interrelation of diabetes mellitus and dental health. Knowledge of dentists and dental patients about diabetes is insufficient. The role of a dentist in the early diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and the features of the treatment of dental diseases in diabetic patients are discussed. Diabetes mellitus is one of the diseases receiving much attention in modern scientific and medical societies. It is easy to explain such a high interest: diabetes mellitus ranks third among the direct causes of death after cardiovascular and oncological diseases, therefore, the solution of issues related to diabetes mellitus is put at the state level in many countries. According to various sources, there are from 120 to 180 million diabetic patients in the world, which is 2-3 % of the total population of the planet. The incidence of diabetes mellitus seemed to become endemic and a crisis in the health sector - according to forecasts of the World Health Organization, by 2025 the number of diabetic patients in the world will increase to 333 million people. Along with the increase in the number of patients with diabetes mellitus, the number of patients suffering from complications of this serious disease increases, which leads to rapid disability. The objective of this study was to increase the effectiveness of prevention and treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases in patients with diabetes mellitus.