The use of computer systems to aid clinical decision making is growing. Besides clinical practice, computer applications, decision support systems or technologies can be used during dentistry and periodontology learning. A research was made using 30 searching expressions, based on MeSH Terms. A total of 17 articles were selected from the initial 249. Dental Students' Ability to Assess Gingival Health Status Software (DAAGS) and Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) are two examples of computer programs used in Priodontology learning. 3D technologies, electronic devices and image analysis systems are tools used during periodontal diagnosis. Dental informatics and periodontology are extremely connected, because, many systems, technologies or electronic devices could be used during diagnose, treatment or pre-operative phase. Computer applications could also be used to improve learning skills during pre-clinical and clinical stages, and at same time other technologies as 3D can present more detailed data to clinician, leading to a correct decision.