“…7 Natasha Distiller argues to th is effect in her analysis of th e functioning of race in Jeffreys's Drum series (see Distiller, forthco ming).8 See 'Denying th e Coloure d Mother'(Distiller & Samuelson, 2005), in which we engage with Jeffreys's efforts to reinsert denied and repr essed 'coloure d moth ers' int o white genea logies in th e mid st of apar theid's separa ting dr ive; and 'Orienting th e Cap e' (Samu elson , forth coming), in which I explore Jeffreys's extensive writ ings on Islam , and th e ways in which th ese pass through O rienta list discour se in order to re-ori ent th e Ca pe.9 See, inter alia, and in addition toKruger, Boehm er (2002) andHofmeyr (2003;. Boehm er's intervention lies in explori ng 'the "contact zone" of cultural and political exchange: till now 'conventionally located betwee n the European colonial cent re and its periph ery; as oper ating 'between periph eries' (2002: 2; emphasis in or ig.).…”