SUMMARYIn many different solid tumours the DNA couteut of cells has been reported to be associated with malig nancy. With one exception, studies using flow cytome try to estimate cellular DNA in uveal melanoma have used archival material. We report the findings of a prospective study using fresh uveal melanoma where the DNA index (DI) and percentage of cells in S phase (%SPF) have been determined by flow cytometry in 51 patients with a minimum follow-up of 5 years. Forty one (80%) of the tumours were large, 9 (18%) were medium and only 1 was small. Eight (16%) were epithelioid tumours, 41 (80%) were mixed cell and only 2 were spindle B cell tumours. Twenty-seven tumours were diploid, of which 10 (37%) developed metastases. Of the 24 aneuploid tumours, metastases developed in 6 (25%). The median %SPF was significantly reduced in patients with diploid tumours compared with aneuploid tumours (p