The phenomenon of superconductivity occurs in the phase space of three principal parameters: temperature T, magnetic field B, and current density j. The critical temperature Tc is one of the first parameters that is measured and in a certain way defines the superconductor. From the practical applications point of view, of equal importance is the upper critical magnetic field Bc2 and conventional critical current density jc (above which the system begins to show resistance without entering the normal state). However, a seldom-measured parameter, the depairing current density j d , holds the same fundamental importance as Tc and Bc2, in that it defines a boundary between the superconducting and normal states. A study of j d sheds unique light on other important characteristics of the superconducting state such as the superfluid density and the nature of the normal state below Tc, information that can play a key role in better understanding newly-discovered superconducting materials. From a measurement perspective, the extremely high values of j d make it difficult to measure, which is the reason why it is seldom measured. Here, we will review the fundamentals of current-induced depairing and the fast-pulsed current technique that facilitates its measurement and discuss the results of its application to the topological-insulator/chalcogenide interfacial superconducting system.