Direct and indirect interactions among components of bitrophic and tritrophic communities were studied using laboratory microcosms. The filamentous cyanobacterium Phormidium sp., capable of inducible defence, was used as the primary producer. Phormidium reacts to ciliate attacks by withdrawing inside a polysaccharide envelope, overproducing exopolysaccharide material and remaining in dense and compact clumps. All of these defences are induced by the ciliate Pseudomicrothorax dubius, a specialised grazer of filamentous cyanobacteria, representing the second trophic level in our system. The gymnostomatid ciliate Homalozoon vermiculare, which preys on Pseudomicrothorax but does not directly affect cyanobacteria, was the top predator within the microcosm community. The experiment showed that Homalozoon, very effective in a simple bitrophic cascade, had little effect on its prey when Phormidium was introduced into the system. Under grazer pressure, the cyanobacterium defended itself against the grazer by creating clumps of entangled filaments that also served as refuges for Pseudomicrothorax from Homalozoon. The prey ciliate Pseudomicrothorax reacts to cyanobacterial defence by increasing its encystation rate. Gradually decreasing grazing pressure resulted in a diminished Phormidium defence reaction, which enabled Pseudomicrothorax to resume feeding on filaments. Changing the extent of induced defence in Phormidium thus resulted in the stabilisation of the microcosm community.KEY WORDS: Ciliated protozoa · Homalozoon · Induced defence · Phormidium · Predator-prey interactions · Pseudomicrothorax
Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisherAquat Microb Ecol 59: [45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53] 2010 and stability of the E. coli population increased following the invasion. Ko8aczyk and Wią ckowski (1997) showed reduced predation on ciliate Euplotes octocarinatus by Stylonychia mytilus in the presence of an abundant green flagellate population, which served as alternative food for the predator. Trophic cascade interactions are also modified when the prey has access to refuges (Křivan 1998) or activates predatorinduced defences (Fia8kowska & Pajdak-Stós 1997, Fyda 1998, Tollrian & Harvell 1999, Pajdak-Stós et al. 2001. These predator-induced defences include adaptive prey behaviours, such as predator avoidance reactions or escape responses, as well as the use of refuges that make prey less susceptible to predator attacks and consequently, reduce predator-prey oscillations. In addition, low refuge carrying capacity leads to stability of predator-prey dynamics, while stability is lost when the carrying capacity of the refuge is high (Křivan 1998). In the presence of their predators, some ciliates reveal induced defences consisting of cell shape changes, as in the case of Colpidium (Fyda 1998), or develop additional spines, as in Onychodromus quadricornutus and Aspidisca turrita (Wicklow 1997). Likewise, in the presence of their predators, several Euplotes species enlarge ce...