We demonstrate by spin quantum beat spectroscopy that in undoped symmetric (110)-oriented GaAs/AlGaAs single quantum wells even a symmetric spatial envelope wavefunction gives rise to an asymmetric in-plane electron Landé-g-factor. The anisotropy is neither a direct consequence of the asymmetric in-plane Dresselhaus splitting nor of the asymmetric Zeeman splitting of the hole bands but is a pure higher order effect that exists as well for diamond type lattices. The measurements for various well widths are very well described within 14 × 14 band k · p theory and illustrate that the electron spin is an excellent meter variable to map out the internal -otherwise hidden-symmetries in two dimensional systems. Fourth order perturbation theory yields an analytical expression for the strength of the g-factor anisotropy, providing a qualitative understanding of the observed effects.PACS numbers: 78.55. Cr,78.47.jd,78.20.Ci,71.18.+y Symmetry is a fundamental principle which runs through all fields of sciences like a common thread. The balance of proportions is attracting great interest ever since reaching from Euclid's geometry theorems and the Archimedes lever principle in ancient times to Mandelbrot sets in present day mathematics and parity violation in modern particle physics. At the beginning of the last century the topic was significantly pushed by Emmy Noether's discovery of the deep connection between symmetry and conservation laws [1] and the classification of nearly all entities in today's physics in terms of its symmetry properties is a very powerful and widely applied method in a vast number of fields. Among the plethora of interesting physical observables the pure quantum mechanical entity spin in connection with the relativistic effect of spin-orbit interaction (SOI) [2] bears an exceeding connection to symmetry. In a free atom, SOI can break the degeneracy of states with the same orbital wave function owing opposite spins. In solids, however, such a splitting interferes with crystal symmetry. The most prominent example is the conduction band Dresselhaus splitting in zinc-blende (ZB) type lattice semiconductors [3], which is not present in their diamond lattice type equivalents [4]. The alteration of the symmetry allows a clear assignment of the investigated spin properties to the symmetry at hand and the change of symmetry properties on micro-and macroscopic scales is easy to produce in solid state physics by the introduction of low dimensional structures, potential gradients, or the choice of peculiar crystallographic quantization axes. This fact has boosted a great interest in recent semiconductor spintronic research [5][6][7] since crystal symmetry yields a control on the spin dynamics [8][9][10][11][12] and contrariwise the entity spin yields jointly with the time-reversal breaking property of a magnetic a unique meter variable to probe internal symmetries which might be inaccessible by other means.In this letter, we exploit the intriguing property that quantum wells (QW) grown with their quantizatio...