The kinetics of the anionic polymerization of methyl methacrylate in the presence of lithium
perchlorate (LiClO4) are investigated in THF using 1,1-diphenylhexyllithium as initiator in a flow-tube
reactor between −30 and 0 °C. The rate constants of propagation determined in the presence of LiClO4
are lower than those obtained in the absence of the salt, similar to the effect observed for LiCl. For
propagation, the reaction order with respect to active center concentration is found to be 0.5 in both
cases, which indicates that LiClO4 does not effectively perturb the aggregation of the enolate ion pair.
The formation of various mixed aggregates is proposed. The polydispersity index of the obtained PMMA
is lower than that obtained in the absence of salt indicating faster aggregation−deaggregation equilibria
than in the absence of salt. The rate constants of termination in absence and presence of salt are
comparable. Thus, LiClO4 does not affect termination reactions, again similar to LiCl.