“…It has been shown that prenatal irradiation is a useful paradigm to selectively eliminate certain neuronal populations during development because young undifferen-tiated neurons are extremely radiosensitive (Hicks, 1953(Hicks, , 1958D'Amato and Hicks, 1965;D'Amato, 1982;Schmidt and Lent, 1987;Ferrer et al, 1993;Abreu-Villaça and Schmidt, 1999;Caparelli-Dáquer and Schmidt, 1999). In this sense, Schmidt et al (2001) showed that adult mice exposed to gamma radiation on E16 present severe shrinkage of the occipital cortex and a 75% reduction in the number of neurons of the DLGN. The occipital cortex, especially layers IV and III, are directly affected by irradiation (Schmidt and Lent, 1987;Abreu-Villaça and Schmidt, 1999), since their neurons are being generated on E16 (Caviness and Sidman, 1973;Caviness, 1982;Caviness et al, 1995).…”