“…Frequency, Hz f crit Critical frequency, at the flutter or divergence boundary, Hz G yθ Shear modulus, P a h Shell thickness, m k Circumferential wavenumber k crit Critical circumferential wavenumber, at the flutter or divergence boundary K s Spring stiffness for the circumferential elastic supports, P a K P Y R Pyrogel spring stiffness, P a/m m Shell mass per area, kg/m 2 m P Y R Pyrogel mass per area, kg/m 2 M Mach number n Axial mode number n crit Critical axial mode number, at the flutter or divergence boundary N a y,tot Total applied in-plane force in y-direction, N/m N a y Applied tension in y-direction, N/m N a θ,tot Total applied in-plane force in θ-direction, N/m N a x , N a y , N a xy In-plane forces applied to the square woven fabric sample, N/m p Complex frequency in the aeroelastic problem, rad/s p s Static pressure differential, P a q Dynamic pressure, P a q crit Critical dynamic pressure, at the flutter or divergence boundary, P a r 1 , r 2 Shell radii at the minor and major ends, respectively, m u, v, w Shell displacements, m w N , w K Out-of-plane displacements of the Nextel and AKK shells, respectively, m U ∞ Free-stream flow velocity, m/s y Coordinate along the shell meridian y 1 , y 2 Locations of the shell minor and major ends, respectivelȳ y Dimensionless shell coordinate, (y − y 1 )/(y 2 − y 1 ) α…”