INTRODUCTTONTheoretically as well as empirically, it has been shown that there is a certain correlation between depolarisation and attenuation due to rain. This relation provides a practical prediction tool for depolarisation. Using, for example, an equiprobability relation, depolarisation statistics may be derived from attenuation statistics. Furthermore, combined statistics of depolarisation and attenuation can be used to assess the margins of both parameters required for a certain system outage probability.Several theoretical and semi-empirical models for the relation between cross polarisation discrimination ('XPD') and copolar attenuation ('CPA') have been published, as well as many measurement results of this relation. In this paper, a large group of measurement results is used to assess all different dependencies of this relation empirically.
EXLSTING MODELS OF THE XPD-CPA RELATIONDifferent experimenters have derived expressions for the relation between XPD and CPA [l-51.These expressions have been derived from calculations using different theories of E.M. wave scattering by the raindrops and using different models of raindrop size dishbution and raindrop shape and orientation. All models were formulated in the form of the expressionwhere f = frequency (GHz); 6 = polarisation angle (measured from the horizontal); q = temporal standard deviation of the canting angle of the medium ("); E = elevation angle; os = momentary spatial standard deviation of raindrop canting angles ("). Z(6,o,) (dB) is a polarisation dependent term, and S, C, D, and V (dB) are parameters which are different for each proposed model and depend on raindrop size distribution and raindrop shape model. S also depends on the effective path length through rain.In one of the models [3], a term "-0.075 COS*& cos26 CPA" was added to the expression in equation (l), to predict a difference between quasi-vertical and -horizontal polarisation, due to the different attenuation for polarisations aligned with the two mean symmetry axes of the raindrops. Because 6 is measured from the horizontal, this term is positive for quasi-vertical polarisations and negative for quasi-horizontal polarisation.
MEASUREMENTSMeasurements of the relation between XPD and CPA have been performed at many sites [3,6-191. We extracted the results of these measurements from publications, by enlarging the paper copies and scanning the graphs by hand. Other results were extracted from the database 'DBSGS' of lTU-R. This way, we obtained a collection of 39 results of measurements at frequencies from 11.6 to 29.7 GHz, elevation angles from 3.2" to 49.5" and polarisation angles from 0" to 180' . including also measurements at circular polarisation, which is effectively equal to linear polarisation at 6 = 45". This collection of measurement results is used in this paper to validate the different dependencies of the prediction models of the XPD-CPA relation. In Figure 1, all results are plotted together in one graph.