In this work, we describe the use of a virtual learning environment that we have developed. The software is programmed in LabView code and it is devised to teach polarization concepts to students in Optics courses at the university, either at the degree or master levels.In order to consolidate the knowledge previously explained in theoretical and experimental courses, the applet tries to foster the interaction of students with different virtual environments, each one training one particular polarization feature or method. In particular, the following concepts are included in the applet: ellipse of polarization, Poincaré sphere, Stokes vectors, Mueller matrix transformations, and polarization dependence with light wavelength after material interaction.What is more, we perform a set of targeted questions to students, into a problem-solving approach. It consists of a series of brief questions that students must solve and answer, helped by the visual information they can found into the applet. In this way, some theoretical concepts related to polarization are thought and reviewed by students from a different perspective from that given in the theoretical classes at the classroom.