<p>The Eastern Sardinian margin consists in a hyper-extended rifted margin, located in the western Tyrrhenian Sea, a recent back-arc basin (late Neogene). This area was affected by strong aerial erosion during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC, 5.96 &#8211; 5.33&#160;My) associated with the drop of sea level (> 1500&#160;m) which occurred throughout the whole Mediterranean. The Gulf of Orosei and surrounding offshore areas are characterized by small and diffuse drainage systems input, where the Messinian Erosion Surface (MES) has rarely been studied while it has been in large fluvial systems (Rhone, Ebro). The MES was already found in the Cendrino valley (which flows in the Gulf) and in the East-Sardinia Basin but the link between onshore and offshore was never been studied in the area. The &#8220;METYSS 4&#8221; cruise (June 2019, R/V &#8220;T&#233;thys II&#8221;) allowed acquiring more than 2000 km of very high-resolution (VHR) seismic data (Sparker), following a dense grid (1.5 km average profile spacing), on the Eastern Sardinian continental shelf, and especially in the Orosei Gulf area, that has been little explored until now. While the main limitation on seismic data (air-gun) interpretation is often due to the occurrence of sea bottom multiple, the limitation for Sparker data may also be due to very short shot intervals at greater water depth. The seismic trace ends where there still is signal of interest. Thus, we applied a simple method to increase investigation depth for short shot intervals (0.333 - 0.533&#160;ms), which allowed interpretation on the continental slope. This approach consists in copying the raw data and concatenating the copied data under the raw data with a shift of 1 shot point. To constrain the MES depth on the continental slope and shelf we compared air-gun seismic data from previous METYSS surveys, where the MES has already been interpreted by a strong erosional discordance between Plio-Quaternary deposits and pre-MSC units, with the new VHR data. The restoration of the morphological features of the Orosei canyon at Messinian times shows that the former Messinian canyon network is very similar to the present-day one. The present-day canyon and its tributaries show sub-marine erosion in the talwegs. The heads of the canyons present gravitational features, highlighted by chaotic deposits near the talweg of the canyon or in-between the Plio-Quaternary strata. Offshore Arbatax, south Orosei, the seismic profiles show no significant Plio-Quaternary deposits (thickness < 0.1&#160;sTWT), which allows polygenic pre-MSC units to occur at the seafloor. In the Gulf, we observe thick deposits (0.4 - 0.5&#160;sTWT) on the right bank of Orosei Canyon, making it more complicated to image the MES in this area. The sedimentation rate on this margin is very low (<em>c.a.</em> 9&#160;cm/ka in the Gulf of Orosei), which is consistent with previous studies on the East-Sardinian basin (3-20&#160;cm/ka). These preliminary results will allow correlating for the first time the MES distribution from the onshore to the offshore continental slope of the Eastern Sardinian Margin in order to improve the MSC understanding in this key area.</p>