As so ci ate ed i tor: Dariusz Wiêc³aw Rocks de pos ited in the Oligocene Paratethys are rec og nized as one of the most im por tant source rocks in the Flysch Carpathians. The Šitboøice Mem ber (up per most NP23 to low er most NP25 zone) rep re sents the up per part of the Menilite For ma tion in the Outer Flysch Carpathians of the Czech Re pub lic. This pa per pres ents re sults of bulk geo chem i cal anal y sis, Rock-Eval py rol y sis and or ganic pe trog ra phy. The geo chem i cal eval u a tion, source rock po ten tial, kerogen type and ther mal ma tu rity were stud ied us ing bore hole cores. Based on the clas si fi ca tion of Pe ters (1986), the eval u ated Šitboøice Mem ber is mostly clas si fied as a "very good" source rock ac cord ing to TOC and vari able, mostly "poor" to "good" ac cord ing to the pe troleum po ten tial. How ever, the av er age pe tro leum po ten tial value as signed the mem ber to "good" source rock which is in accor dance with the TOC clas si fi ca tion if the "live" TOC is used. A com pa ra ble dis tri bu tion be tween kerogen type II and III has been in di cated by HI. Un like this, the or ganic pe trog ra phy ob ser va tions show the or ganic mat ter be longs to the kerogen type II which cor re sponds to the re la tion ship of re sid ual hy dro car bon po ten tial ver sus TOC and HI cal cu lated based on "live" organic car bon. Pre sumed im ma tu rity was con firmed by R r and Rock-Eval T max. Ox y gen-re stricted con di tions or a dysoxic en viron ment have been in di cated by the TOC/TS ra tio.