Back of everything is that great specter of universal death, the all encompassing blackness. (James, 1910(James, /1978 There is one word which, if we only understand it, is the key to Freud's thought. That word is "repression". . . . The Freudian revolution is that radical revision of traditional theories of human nature and human society which becomes necessary if repression is recognized as a fact. (Brown, 1959, p. 3) sychoanalysis is an ambitious effort to elucidate the motiva-P tional underpinnings of human behavior, with the aim of the maximization of understanding the human condition to effect constructive individual and social change. In On The History of the Psychoanalytic Movement, Freud (1938/ 1966) concluded that repression is the conceptual cornerstone of the theory of psychoanalysis.Responsibility for this chapter is shared equally among the authors.