Men with alcohol and/or other drug use problems (ADUPs) court-mandated to attend intervention programs for intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetrators have been identified as a high-risk, highly resistant group of IPV perpetrators, as they present lower treatment adherence and higher dropout and recidivism rates. Previous research suggests that IPV perpetrators with ADUPs may require tailored interventions to address their specific risk factors. The present systematic review was conducted using PRISMA guidelines to identify the specific risk factors in men with and without ADUPs on entry to court-mandated perpetrator programs. The following databases were searched from inception to November 2021: Web of Science, PsycINFO, and Scopus. There was a screening of 3,995 records, and 29 quantitative studies were included in the review. Risk factors present in males court-mandated to perpetrator programs were grouped into four categories: sociodemographic risk factors, personality disorders and psychological adjustment, social-relational risk factors, and risk factors related to attitudes towards women. Results indicated that the main risk factors in IPV perpetrators with ADUPs, compared to those without, were higher clinical symptomatology (e.g., anger and impulsivity), personality disorders, poorer executive functions, having experienced more stressful life events, higher exposure to childhood trauma, lower intimate social support, and higher responsibility attributed to the offenders’ personal context. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of the complex phenomenon of IPV and ADUPs, and could help to inform key targets for perpetrator programs that may improve the well-being of their (ex)partners and increase the effectiveness of intervention programs for IPV perpetrators.