Let K be a field and S = K[x 1 , . . . , x n ] be the polynomial ring in n variables over K. Assume that G is a graph with edge ideal I(G). We prove that the modules S/I(G) k and I(G) k /I(G) k+1 satisfy Stanley's inequality for every integer k ≫ 0. If G is a non-bipartite graph, we show that the ideals I(G) k satisfy Stanley's inequality for all k ≫ 0. For every connected bipartite graph G (with at least one edge), we prove that sdepth(I(G) k ) ≥ 2, for any positive integer k ≤ girth(G)/2 + 1. This result partially answers a question asked in [20]. For any proper monomial ideal I of S, it is shown that the sequence {depth(I k /I k+1 )} ∞ k=0 is convergent and lim k→∞ depth(I k /I k+1 ) = n − ℓ(I), where ℓ(I) denotes the analytic spread of I. Furthermore, it is proved that for any monomial ideal I, there exists an integer s such that depth(S/I sm ) ≤ depth(S/I), for every integer m ≥ 1. We also determine a value s for which the above inequality holds. If I is an integrally closed ideal, we show that depth(S/I m ) ≤ depth(S/I), for every integer m ≥ 1. As a consequence, we obtain that for any integrally closed monomial ideal I and any integer m ≥ 1, we have Ass(S/I) ⊆ Ass(S/I m ).