“…• for GL n (E) and its inner forms, we do have preservation of depth under the LLC for any representation, see [ABPS1]; • for SL n (E) and its inner forms, we have preservation of depth under the LLC for any essentially tame representation, see [ABPS1,Theorem 3.8]; • in large residual characteristic, we have preservation of depth under the LLC for quasi-split classical groups and for arbitrary unitary groups, [Oi1], [Oi2]; • for tamely ramified tori, we have preservation of depth under the LLC for any character, see Yu [Yu1]; • for SL 2 (E) and its inner form, the depth changes under the LLC for any representation π E of G(E) of positive depth that is not essentially tame in the following way: dep(λ G (π E )) < dep(π E ), see [AMPS].…”