Combining PP-waves with mode-converted PS reflections in migration velocity analysis (MVA) can help build more accurate VTI (transversely isotropic with a vertical symmetry axis) velocity models. To avoid problems caused by the moveout asymmetry of PS-waves and take advantage of efficient MVA algorithms designed for pure modes, I suggest to generate pure SS-reflections from PP and PS data using the PP+PS=SS method. Then the residual moveout in both PP and SS commonimage gathers is minimized during iterative velocity updates. The model is divided into square cells, and the VTI parameters V P 0 , V S0 , , and δ are defined at each grid point. The objective function also includes the differences between the migrated depths of the same reflectors on the PP and SS sections and a regularization term.Synthetic examples confirm that 2D MVA of PP-and PS-waves may be able to resolve all four relevant parameters of VTI media if reflectors with at least two distinct dips are available. The algorithm is also applied to a 2D line from 3D OBS (ocean bottom seismic) data acquired at Volve field in the North Sea. After the anisotropic velocity model has been reconstructed, accurate depth images can be obtained by migrating the recorded PP and PS data.