“…The bioconstructers that could be identified in this reef comprise typically Carnian faunas (Vesicocaulis reticuliformis sponges and Ladinella porata microproblematica), Norian faunas (Retiophyllia aranea corals and Ammobaculites rhaeticus foraminifera), and Carnian through Rhaetian faunas (Celyphia, Uvanella, and Radiomura sponges, Retiophyllia fenestrata corals); age ranges of species and genera from the Paleobiology Database (paleodb.org/ as of September 28th, 2012). The abundance of Carnian-type epibionts, including encrusting sponges, microproblematica such as ''Tubiphytes'', and Carnian-style microbial fabrics or crusts (as opposed to the well-layered Spongiostromate stromatolitic crusts that are characteristic of Norian-Rhaetian reefs, e.g., Wurm, 1982;Flü gel, 2002Flü gel, , 2004Martindale et al, 2013), in addition to the aforementioned reef taxa, give the Tennengebirge patch reef a distinctly Carnian appearance in thin section. Indeed, without early Norian index fossils (conodonts and ammonoids) at the base of the reef, even regional experts may incorrectly consider the Tennengebirge patch reef to be Carnian in age based on the microfacies and organism assemblage in thin section.…”