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REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY)2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED (From -To) 01-07-2005 Final Proceedings About the journal ARCTT is a peer-reviewed all-purpose journal covering a wide variety of topics of interest to the mental health, neuroscience, and rehabilitation communities. The mission of ARCTT is to provide systematic, periodic examinations of scholarly advances in the field of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine through original investigations in the telemedicine and cybertherapy areas, novel experimental clinical studies, and critical authoritative reviews.It is directed to healthcare providers and researchers who are interested in the applications of advanced media for improving the delivery and efficacy of mental healthcare and rehabilitative services.
Manuscript Proposal and SubmissionBecause Annual Review papers examine either novel therapeutic methods and trials or a specific clinical application in depth, they are written by experienced researchers upon invitation from our Editorial Board. The editors nevertheless welcome suggestions from our readers. Questions or comments about editorial content or policies should be directed to the editors only.
Manuscript PreparationManuscripts should be submitted in electronic format on CD-Rom or floppy disks as well as on 8% x 11-in. paper (three copies), double-spaced format. Authors should prepare manuscripts according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5 Ed.).Original, camera-ready artwork for figures is required. Original color figures can be printed in color at the editors' discretion and provided the author agrees to pay in full the associated production costs; an estimate of these costs is available from the ARCTT production office on request.ARCTT policy prohibits an author from submitting the same manuscript for concurrent consideration by two or more publications. Authors have an obligation to consult journal editors concerning prior publication of any data upon which their article depends. As this journal is a primary journal that publishes original material only, ARCHT policy prohibits as well publication of any manuscript that has already been published in wh...