The aim of this study was to assess the medium- to long-term functional and oncologic results when the myocutaneous platysma flap (MPF) was used for defect reconstruction of the oral cavity and the pharynx in selected patients. The MPF was used in 70 patients for closure of small to medium-sized defects. 37.1 % of the tumors were in the oral cavity, 24.3 % in the oropharynx and 38.6 % in the hypopharynx. Histopathological risk factors, adjuvant therapy, recurrence rates, and survival rates were assessed. Rehabilitation of swallowing and airways function was analyzed. UICC staging was I in 18.6 %, II in 15.7 %, III in 18.6 %, and IV in 47.1 %. Histopathological risk factors were noted in 51.4 and 84.3 % patients received adjuvant treatment. Recurrences were observed in 27.2 %. The 5-year recurrence-free survival rate was 63.1 %, and the disease-specific survival rate was 66.7 %. Permanent tracheostomy closure was achieved in 74.4 %, and complete recovery of swallowing in 57.4 %. Analysis of the functional and oncologic data after defect closure with the MPF showed acceptable results. The MPF should be included in the range of surgical methods for closure of small to medium-sized defects in the head and neck region in selected patients.