This study describes the psychometric development of an instrument to measure the "stages of change" in tinnitus sufferers. Based on our own previous work about measuring stages of change in chronic pain patients, 48 items were administered to 128 tinnitus sufferers in inpatient and outpatient facilities as well as in self helping groups. Principle component analysis and item analysis led to a four factor solution. Each factor (resp. stage) consisted of four items: precontemplation, preparation, action, and termination. Scales showed theoretically conformed associations with measure of pain burden e. g. tinnitus loudness and cumbersomeness as well with standardized measures (HADS, TB-12, SF-12). High burden was correlated positively with high expressions on the lower scales, and it was correlated negatively with higher stage scores. Against the assumption there was no association between tinnitus durability and stages expression.