Amines are critical functional groups that are incorporated into many biologically active compounds and functional materials of importance to the biomedical, agrochemical and fine-chemical industries. [1] An idealized synthetic approach for the preparation of this important class of compounds would take advantage of the direct and byproduct free conversion of feedstock alkenes directly into unprotected amines with good regio-and stereoselectivity under mild reaction conditions. These goals could be realized with early transition metal catalyzed hydroaminoalkylation (Scheme 1), a CÀH functionalization reaction a to nitrogen that results in selective C À C bond formation. [2, 3] However, to date, all promising Group 4 and 5 metal complexes for this transformation demand harsh reaction conditions. [4,5] The identification of a system that can be used with mild reaction conditions is desirable. Here we show that by using a sterically demanding, N,O-chelating, electron-withdrawing phosphoramidate as an easily installed auxiliary ligand, room-temperature alkene hydroaminoalkylation can be achieved for the first time.Unlike late transition metal catalysts (Ir, Ru) [6,7] for this reaction, early transition metal catalysts (Ti, [4] Zr, [4a] Ta, [5] Nb, [5e-g] ) do not require a removable directing group or activated alkene substrates. Hydroaminoalkylation results in unprotected amines ready for further functionalization. This transformation gives selectively substituted amines in a single and atom-economic catalytic reaction, using inexpensive early transition metals of low toxicity. Thus, hydroaminoalkylation is an excellent reaction to target for advances in green chemistry.Ligand screening investigations by Herzon and Hartwig have shown that electron-withdrawing chloride ligands enhance reactivity, such that select substrate combinations yield products at 90 8C. [5b] Notably, the more challenging dialkylamine substrates required temperatures of 150 8C and thermally polymerizable styrene derivatives were not reported. [4b] Herein, we show that our phosphoramidate-ClTaMe 3 precatalyst is easily synthesized and can achieve roomtemperature hydroaminoalkylation with a broad range of substrates.