The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between the characteristics of anaerobic exercise in the upper limb and important indicators of growth and developmental age such as height (h), body mass (mb), skeletal age (SA), plasma testosterone (T) and pubertal stage (PS). We used the force-velocity (F-v) relationship test in a population of 66 healthy adolescent male junior jockeys, with considerable variation in these indicators but of the same physical fitness level (training effect). The mean values of the maximal anaerobic power (Wan,max) were 391 (SD 93) W. The values of the variables in the F-v relationship for the upper limb were only slightly or uncorrelated with the chronological age, but highly correlated with h, mb and SA (P < 0.001). The correlation with T was less significant. Using ANOVA a highly significant effect of PS on the variables in the F-v relationship was found (P < 0.001). The absolute or relative (normalized to mb) increase in Wan,max during puberty was greater from PS P2 and P3 than at other stages. Therefore PS would appear to be a significant factor for developmental changes in anaerobic characteristics during puberty in the adolescent. The PS P3 determined only by public hair might be an easy and accurate indicator for sports category classification of adolescents during puberty.