Abstract. Let A be a unital algebra, δ be a linear mapping from A into itself and m, n be fixed integers. We call δ an (m, n)-derivable mapping at Z, if mδpABq`nδpBAq " mδpAqB`mAδpBq`nδpBqA`nBδpAq for all A, B P A with AB " Z. In this paper, (m, n)-derivable mappings at 0 (resp. IA ' 0, I) on generalized matrix algebras are characterized. We also study (m, n)-derivable mappings at 0 on CSL algebras. We reveal the relationship between this kind of mappings with Lie derivations, Jordan derivations and derivations.
IntroductionLet R be a unital ring and A be a unital R-algebra. Let δ be a linear mapping from A into itself. We call δ a derivation if δpABq " δpAqBÀ δpBq for all A, B P A. We call δ a Jordan derivation if δpAB`BAq " δpAqB`AδpBq`δpBqA`BδpAq for all A, B P A. δ is called a Lie derivation if δprA, Bsq " rδpAq, Bs`rA, δpBqs for all A, B P A, where rA, Bs " AB´BA. The questions of characterizing Jordan derivations and Lie derivations have received considerable attention from several authors, who revealed the relationship between Jordan derivations, derivations as well as Lie derivations (for example, [1,5,6,8,12] and the references therein).Let m, n be fixed integers. In [21], Vukman defined a new type of Jordan derivations, named pm, nq-Jordan derivation, that is, an additive mapping η from a ring R into itself such that pm`nqηpA 2 q " 2mηpAqA`2nAηpAq for every A P R. He proved that each pm, nq-Jordan derivation of a prime ring is a derivation. Motivated by this, we define a new type of derivations, named pm, nq-derivation. An pm, nq-derivation is a linear mapping δ from A into itself such that mδpABq`nδpBAq " mδpAqB`mAδpBq`nδpBqA`nBδpAq 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 47L35; Secondary 16W25. Key words and phrases: CSL algebra, derivation, generalized matrix algebra, pm, nqderivation. for all A, B P A. Obviously, every p1, 1q-derivation is a Jordan derivation, each p1,´1q-derivation is a Lie derivation, p1, 0q-derivations and (0, 1)-derivations are derivations.Recently, there have been a number of papers on the study of conditions under which derivations on algebras can be completely determined by their action on some subsets of elements. Let δ be a linear mapping from A into itself and Z be in A. δ is called derivable at Z, if δpABq " δpAqB`AδpBq for all A, B P A with AB " Z; δ is called Jordan derivable at Z, if δpAB`BAq " δpAqB`AδpBq`δpBqA`BδpAq for all A, B P A with AB " Z; δ is called Lie derivable at Z, if δprA, Bsq " rδpAq, Bs`rA, δpBqs for all A, B P A with AB " Z. It is natural and interesting to ask whether or not a linear mapping is a derivation (Jordan derivation, or Lie derivation) if it is derivable (Jordan derivable, Lie derivable) only at one given point. An and Hou [2] investigated derivable mappings at 0, P, and I on triangular rings, where P is some fixed non-trivial idempotent. Let X be a Banach space, Lu and Jing [16] studied Lie derivable mappings at 0 and P on BpXq, where P is a fixed nontrivial idempotent. In [23], Zhao and Zhu characterized Jordan derivable mapping...