“…Thus, we have that the operator K : L ∞ (0, T ; W(Ω)) → L ∞ (0, T ; W(Ω)), defined by K( u ε ) = u ε , where u ε is a weak solution of (1), is a contraction for sufficiently smallT , where T depend on the coefficients in the equations and is independent of (p ε , n ε , b ε , u ε ). Hence, using the Banach fixed point theorem and iterating over time intervals, we obtain the existence of a unique weak solution of the microscopic problem (1) Due to the fact that viscous term is defined only in the cell wall matrix and is zero for cell wall microfibrils, to conduct the multiscale analysis of the viscoelastic problem (1) we first consider a perturbed problem by adding the inertial term ϑ∂ 2 t u ε , where ϑ > 0 is a small perturbation parameter: (25) ϑχ…”