The paper presents a novel vector control structure for the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) which is derived based on the machine synchronous operation. In fact, the synchronous operation of the BDFM provides an efficient approach for determining the required reference angle in the machine vector control structure. The utilization of such reference angle makes the vector control structure presented in this paper different from and, in fact, more effective than the existing rotor flux and stator flux orientation schemes proposed for the machine. The results of implementing the vector control scheme in simulations confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach for the BDFM control. NOMENCLATURE 2 1 , s s R R phase resistances of stator1 and stator2 windings o m i R R R , , rotor inner, middle and outer loops resistances 2 1 , ls ls L L leakage inductances of stator1 and stator2 windings 2 1 , s s L L self inductances of stator1 and stator2 windings lo lm li L L L , , rotor inner, middle and outer loops leakage inductances o m i L L L , , rotor inner, middle and outer loops self inductances io mo im L L L , , mutual inductances between loops of a rotor nest oo mm ii M M M , , mutual inductances between identical loops of two nests io mo im M M M , , mutual inductances between non-identical loops of two nests o m i r s r s r s M M M 1 1 1 , , mutual inductances between stator1 phase winding and inner, middle and outer loops o m i r s r s r s M M M 2 2 2 , , mutual inductances between stator2 phase winding and inner, middle and outer loops B J , rotor moment of inertia and friction coefficient p dt d operator 2 1 , P P pole pairs of stator1 and stator2 windings r s s ϕ θ θ , , 2 1 arbitrary functions of time in stator1, stator2 and rotor transformations r s s ' , , 2 1 ϕ ω ω time-derivatives of r s s ϕ θ θ , , 2 1 1 1 1 , , s s s I V λ stator1 voltage, current and flux in the vector model 2 2 2 , , s s s I V λ stator2 voltage, current and flux in the vector model r r r I V λ , , rotor voltage, current and flux in the vector model { } real real and imaginary parts of a complex number * z complex conjugate of z t transpose of a matrix or vector