This version is available at Strathprints is designed to allow users to access the research output of the University of Strathclyde. Unless otherwise explicitly stated on the manuscript, Copyright © and Moral Rights for the papers on this site are retained by the individual authors and/or other copyright owners. Please check the manuscript for details of any other licences that may have been applied. You may not engage in further distribution of the material for any profitmaking activities or any commercial gain. You may freely distribute both the url ( and the content of this paper for research or private study, educational, or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge. Abstract: Surface cracks with different orientations have been recognized as a major cause of potential failures of thin metal structures, which are often under biaxial loading. It has been known that, for cracked ductile metals, plasticity results in an easing of stress intensity at the crack front and ultimately increases the total fracture toughness of the metal. To enable the use of linear elastic fracture mechanics for ductile material failure prediction, the plastic portion of fracture toughness must be excluded. This paper aims to develop a J-integral based method for determining the elastic fracture toughness of ductile metal plates with inclined cracks under biaxial loading. The derived elastic fracture toughness is a function of the plate and crack geometry, strain-hardening coefficient, yield strength, fracture toughness, biaxiality ratio, and inclination angle. It is found that an increase in yield strength or relative crack depth, or a decrease in Mode-I fracture toughness, leads to a larger ratio of elastic fracture toughness to total fracture toughness. It is also found that the effect of biaxiality ratio and inclination angle on elastic fracture toughness is highly dependent on total fracture toughness. It can be concluded that the developed model can accurately predict the fracture failure of ductile thin metal structures with inclined cracks under biaxial loading.Author keywords: Inclined surface cracks; J-integral; Biaxial loading; Elastic fracture toughness; Cracked plates.It has been known that plasticity increases fracture toughness. The underlying mechanism is that yielding caused by plasticity eases stress concentration at the crack front. Consequently, fracture toughness increases and consists of elastic and plastic portions. In order to extract elastic fracture toughness from total fracture toughness, a failure assessment diagram was employed by Yang et al. (2016Yang et al. ( , 2017 and Li et al. (2017). The adopted failure assessment curve (Milne et al. 1988) is independent of both geometry and material properties and may be used for any structure. However, the derived elastic fracture toughness models may be overconservative, given that the curve was derived as a lower bound of the failure assessment diagrams obtained based on...