The discrete Boltzmann equation for both the ideal and a non-ideal fluid is extended by adding Langevin noise terms in order to incorporate the effects of thermal fluctuations. After casting the fluctuating discrete Boltzmann equation in a form appropriate to the Onsager-Machlup theory of linear fluctuations, the statistical properties of the noise are determined by invoking a fluctuationdissipation theorem at the kinetic level. By integrating the fluctuating discrete Boltzmann equation, a fluctuating lattice Boltzmann equation is obtained, which provides an efficient way to solve the equations of fluctuating hydrodynamics for ideal and non-ideal fluids. Application of the framework to a generic force-based non-ideal fluid model leads to ideal gas-type thermal noise. Simulation results indicate proper thermalization of all degrees of freedom.fluid at all length scales, not only the largest ones. Notably, the general theory of LB-Langevin equations was also derived in an early account by [17].Recently, the Langevin approach of [15,17], originally devised for the ideal gas, has been generalized to describe thermal fluctuations in the LBE for a class of non-ideal fluids [18]. There, non-ideal fluid models based on a squaregradient (Ginzburg-Landau) free energy functionals were considered, implying that density fluctuations in such a fluid are spatially correlated with a correlation length which is proportional to the theoretical width of the diffuse liquid-vapor interface. This is in contrast to the ideal gas, where equilibrium correlations are generally absent for all degrees of freedom. Clearly, the non-trivial structure factor of a non-ideal fluid has to be faithfully represented by the correlations of the LB population densities. Using results of continuum kinetic theory, a general ansatz for these correlations has been proposed, noticing, however, that certain models might require modifications to account for implementation-specific details [18]. This was, in particular, found to be the case for the model of Swift et al. [19], where, owing to the underlying modified equilibrium distribution, a spatially correlated form of thermal noise arises.In the present paper, we show how thermal noise can be incorporated into both ideal and non-ideal fluid versions of the discrete-velocity Boltzmann equation (DBE). The DBE is a precursor of the LBE that arises from the continuum Boltzmann equation by restricting velocity space to a finite number of velocities, while keeping position space and time continuous [20,21]. The fluctuating DBE (FDBE) is put forward here as a unifying starting point to construct fluctuating LB models and as a theoretical link between two successful frameworks of non-equilibrium physics: the LB method and the theory of linear regression of fluctuations due to Onsager and Machlup [22,23]. The utility of the FDBE is illustrated by re-deriving the fluctuating LBEs of the ideal gas [15] and the modified-equilibrium model [18]. Moreover, based on the model of He, Shan and Doolen [24], we propose a FDBE ...