Flexibility, or softness, is crucial for protein function, and consists of a "conformational" component, involving jumps between potential wells, and an "elastic" component, involving fluctuations within the wells. Combining molecular dynamics simulation with incoherent neutron scattering and light scattering measurements on green fluorescent protein, we reveal a relationship between the intra-well fluctuations and elastic moduli of the protein. This finding leads to a simple means of experimentally separating the conformational from the elastic atomic displacements. 87.15.ap, 87.64.Bx, 87.14.E-+ Both authors contributed equally 2 *Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: smithjc@ornl.gov Protein molecules in their native states, although highly structured, have a degree of flexibility (sometimes called 'softness' [1]) required for their biological function [2,3].On short time scales (≤ 1 ns) this flexibility has often been characterized by the thermal fluctuations of atomic positions as determined using simulation and scattering techniques [1,[4][5][6][7]. These fluctuations are partly conformational, i.e., involving transitions between energy wells [8][9][10], and partly "elastic", i.e., dynamics confined within single energy wells [9,10]. The experimental separation of the contributions of these two types of motion to the overall atomic displacements is a fundamental challenge.The present work addresses this challenge by combining molecular dynamics (MD) simulation with incoherent neutron scattering and light scattering on a globular protein. It is shown that the amplitude of the intra-well motion correlates well with the elastic moduli at GHz-THz frequencies. This finding enables a simple and direct method for separating experimentally the conformational from the elastic fluctuations in a protein.Furthermore, insights are obtained into the hydration and temperature dependences of the conformational and elastic protein dynamics.Incoherent neutron scattering directly probes fluctuations in atomic positions, weighted strongly in favor of hydrogen atoms [1,4,5,[11][12][13][14]. Here, elastic incoherent neutron scattering experiments were conducted on dry and hydrated green fluorescent Over the temperature range 100 -300 K, methyl , presented in Fig. 3a, is essentially the same in the dry and hydrated GFP, consistent with neutron scattering studies on protein powders demonstrating that the low-temperature (~ 100 to 150 K) onset of anharmonicity in the MSD, attributed to activation of the methyl group rotation, is hydration independent [12,17]. methyl is sigmoidal, starting to rise at ~ 100 K, and saturating at ~ 270 K. This behavior arises from the very similar sigmoidal temperature dependence of the fraction of methyl groups, P 1ns , undergoing rotations fast enough to be observed within 1 ns (Fig. 3b).The temperature variation of the non-methyl jumps, jump , is plotted in Fig. 3c.This variation can, in principle, result from changes of the fraction of atoms that jump (N ...