“…Continuous random dynamical systems take into consideration some very important and widely studied cases, namely, dynamical systems generated by learning systems [8][9][10][11], Poisson-driven stochastic differential equations [12][13][14][15], iterated function systems with an infinite family of transformations [16][17][18], random evolutions [19,20], randomly controlled dynamical systems, and irreducible Markov systems [21]. Our model is similar to the so-called piecewise-deterministic Markov process introduced by Davis [22,23].A large class of applications of such models, both in physics and biology, is worth mentioning here: The shot noise, the photo conductive detectors, the growth of the size structured populations of cells, the motion of relativistic particles, both fermions and bosons [24][25][26][27] generalized stochastic process introduced in the recent model of gene expression by Lipniacki et al [2,28].After time t 1 , we restart the whole procedure with .x, i/ replaced by the new initial condition X.t 1 /, so that the process moves along the integral curves of one of the system (5.3) and (5.4) until the time t 2 of the second jump, and so on.Hence, the solution of (5.1) and (5.2) is now given by X.t/ D … t tn n .X.t n // for t n Ä t < t nC1 .We will consider process f.X.t/, .t//g t 0 , .X.t/, .t// : ! R 2 f0, 1g, where the norm in R 2 is defined by kxk D maxfjx 1 j, jx 2 jg for x D .x 1 , x 2 / 2 R 2 .We are going to show that for i 2 f0, 1g dynamical systems .… t i / t 0 satisfy assumptions of Theorem 3.1.…”