Abstract. We consider inner functions on the unit disk which have a finite number of singularities on the unit circle. The restriction of such functions to the circle are maps onto the circle. We give sufficient conditions that these restrictions are exact endomorphisms whose natural extensions are Bernoulli and that the entropy is given by Rohlin's formula, /»(/) = Jlog |/'| dp. We also give the entropy in closed form if / is in the Nevalinna class N. An example is considered. In the last section we show that if two restrictions are metrically isomorphic, they are diffeomorphic.
IntroductionWe consider restrictions to the unit circle of inner functions on the unit disk which have a finite nonempty set of singularities on the circle. In an earlier paper [11] we studied the maps which were continuous on the circle and showed they were exact endomorphisms whose natural extensions are Bernoulli if their derivative on the circle was larger than one in absolute value.In § 2 we use the results of Rychlik [19] to give a sufficient condition that restrictions of inner functions with a finite nonempty set of singularities are exact endomorphisms whose natural extensions are Bernoulli. In § 3 we give sufficient conditions that the entropy of such restrictions is given by Rohlin's formula, h(f) = Jlog|/'| d\x,. If/' is in the Nevalinna class N we evaluate this integral in terms of the critical points of/ in O and the fixed point of/ in O. In § 4 an example is considered, and in § 5 we show that metrically isomorphic restrictions are conformally conjugate to within a rotation.The study of ergodic properties of inner functions was begun by Aaronson [1], [2] and Neuwirth [14], although Adler and Kemperman had studied special inner functions prior to these papers. Subsequent work can be found in