“…Regarding the first aspect, since regional prevalence is usually stated as proportion (number of sick persons divided by the total number of persons), binomial, Poisson or negative binomial mixed models are canonical choices. The binomial-logit approach has been used for regional proportion estimation in the past, for instance by Molina et al (2007), Ghosh et al (2009), Chen and Lahiri (2012), Erciulescu and Fuller (2013), López-Vizcaíno et al (2013), López-Vizcaíno et al (2015), Burgard (2015), Militino et al (2015), Chambers et al (2016), Hobza and Morales (2016), Liu and Lahiri (2017) and Hobza et al (2018). The Poisson or negative binomial mixed models were applied to estimate small area counts or proportions by Berg (2010), Chambers et al (2014), , Tzavidis et al (2015) and Boubeta et al (2016Boubeta et al ( , 2017, among others.…”