Both polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) and second harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy are 3D optical imaging methods providing information related to collagen in the skin. PS-OCT provides birefringence information which is due to the collagen composition of the skin. SHG microscopy visualizes collagen fibers in the skin based on their SHG property. These two modalities have been applied to the same skin pathologies associated with collagen changes, but their relationship has not been examined. In this study, we tried to find the relationship by imaging the same skin samples with both modalities. Various parts of the normal rat skin and burn damaged skin were imaged ex vivo, and their images were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. PS-OCT images were analyzed to obtain tissue birefringence. SHG images were analyzed to obtain collagen orientation indices by applying 2D Fourier transform. The skin samples having higher birefringence values had higher collagen orientation indices, and a linear correlation was found between them. Burn damaged skin showed decreases in both parameters compared to the control skins. This relationship between the bulk and microscopic properties of skin may be useful for further skin studies. Kim, "Combined two-photon microscopy and optical coherence tomography using individually optimized sources," Opt. Express 19(14), 13089-13096 (2011). 33. X. Chen, O. Nadiarynkh, S. Plotnikov, and P. J. Campagnola, "Second harmonic generation microscopy for quantitative analysis of collagen fibrillar structure," Nat. Protoc. 7(4), 654-669 (2012 209-218 (1996). 35. S. P. Chong, T. Lai, Y. Zhou, and S. Tang, "Tri-modal microscopy with multiphoton and optical coherence microscopy/tomography for multi-scale and multi-contrast imaging," Biomed. Opt. Express 4(9), 1584-1594 (2013). 36. S. Tang, Y. Zhou, K. K. H. Chan, and T. Lai, "Multiscale multimodal imaging with multiphoton microscopy and optical coherence tomography," Opt. Lett. 36(24), 4800-4802 (2011). 37. G. Liu and Z. Chen, "Fiber-based combined optical coherence and multiphoton endomicroscopy," J.Biomed. Opt. 16(3), 036010 (2011). 38. J. Xi, Y. Chen, Y. Zhang, K. Murari, M.-J. Li, and X. Li, "Integrated multimodal endomicroscopy platform for simultaneous en face optical coherence and two-photon fluorescence imaging," Opt. Lett. 37(3), 362-364 (2012).