There are a few studies in the literature about dermatology consultations requested from Pediatrics Department. In the present study, it was aimed to assess the clinical features, pre-diagnosis and dermatologie diagnosis of patients consulted to the Dermatology Department from Pediatrics Department, and also to detect possible different approaches between the clinics. Methods: The list of dermatology consultations requested from Pediatrics Department between 1 September 2016 and 1 September 2017 were retrospectively evaluated by means of pre-diagnosis, dermatological diagnosis and unit consultations. Results: The mean age of patients was 7.4±5.3 years. Of the 628 patients, 52.1% were males, and 85% of the consultations were requested from outpatient clinics and 15% were from the inpatient clinics. Among all consultations 28.7% general pediatrics unit and 17.5% pediatric emergency unit required consultations. The most common diagnosis reported from Dermatology Department were eczema (28.2%), viral diseases (13.2%), parasitic diseases (8.4%) and fungal diseases (5.4%). Although, the ratio of an accurate pre-diagnosis was significantly higher in consultations requested from the inpatient clinics than those from outpatient clinics(p<0.001), 42.7% of the patients were referred to Dermatology Outpatient Clinic with an incorrect pre-diagnosis. Conclusion: Almost half of the patients, who were referred to Dermatology consultation, were diagnosed with incorrect pre-diagnosis. It was seen that pediatricians were difficult to recognize dermatoses. The awareness of Pediatric Dermatology Department should be raised for both specialties.