“…Although this case shares the presence of a white background with previous instances, no other findings described in the previous four cases were observed, including white lines/network, whitish-yellowish septae, desquamation, dotted vessels within reticulation, cobblestone appearance and brown dots arranged radially at the periphery. [1][2][3][4] Such differences are due to the different reaction patterns typical of darkskinned patients, including a higher tendency to pigmentary reactions and thickening of epidermal layers (e.g. hyperkeratosis, hypergranulosis and acanthosis) which might give rise F I G U R E 1 Clinical examination shows non-confluent, whitish, flat papules with well-demarcated margins on the dorsal aspect of the right hand (a); dermoscopy (polarized hand-held dermoscope-×10 magnification) reveals a homogeneous white background with loss of physiological skin creases (b).…”