The Covid-19 virus is still in Indonesia. As a result, community activities are limited, including school, work, and sports. The presumption that people think Covid is gone makes people ignore healthy practices. The people of Pabuaran Village believe that the pandemic is over. Residents of Pabuaran village forgot to implement health protocols, it was proven that they rarely wore masks, kept their distance by washing their hands and using hand sanitizers. Activities carried out due to the problems above are direct contact with the Pabuara village community by distributing masks, installing warning signs, outreach to village organizations and uncovering new variants of the Covid-19 virus and demonstrating the production of hand sanitizers. The hope is that the community will maintain their own health and the health of others by preventing the spread of the Covid-19 virus, implementing health protocols and being independent in the production of natural hand sanitizers. As a result of the actions taken, the residents of Pabuaran Village are more concerned about their own health and the health of others by implementing health protocols in their daily lives. The conclusion from this activity is that the pandemic is not over and people must continue to adopt a healthy lifestyleVirus Covid-19 masih ada di Indonesia. Akibatnya, aktivitas masyarakat terbatas, termasuk sekolah, bekerja, dan olahraga. Anggapan orang mengira Covid sudah hilang membuat orang mengabaikan praktik sehat. Masyarakat Desa Pabuaran yakin pandemi sudah berakhir. Warga desa Pabuaran lupa menerapkan protokol kesehatan, terbukti jarang memakai masker, menjaga jarak dengan cuci tangan dan menggunakan hand sanitizer. Kegiatan yang dilakukan karena permasalahan di atas adalah kontak langsung dengan masyarakat desa Pabuara dengan membagikan masker, memasang rambu peringatan, sosialisasi organisasi desa dan mengungkap varian baru virus Covid-19 serta mendemonstrasikan produksi hand sanitizer. Harapannya, masyarakat menjaga kesehatan diri sendiri dan kesehatan orang lain dengan mencegah penyebaran virus Covid-19, menerapkan protokol kesehatan dan mandiri dalam produksi hand sanitizer alami. Akibat dari tindakan yang dilakukan, warga Desa Pabuaran lebih peduli terhadap kesehatan diri sendiri dan kesehatan orang lain dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah pandemi belum berakhir dan masyarakat harus tetap menerapkan pola hidup sehat.