The MBKM program seeks to improve graduates' competence making both hard and soft skills more prepared and applicable, particularly in light of the demands of the 21st century and the Industrial Revolution 4.0 abilities. The MBKM program allows students to learn through experiences in society, business, and industry, which will build continuing education. The research was motivated by the need for an evaluation of implementation of MBKM program to assess the effectiveness of achieving the program's objectives. The study was conducted at Economic Education study program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, This evaluation research used a countenance stake model. Collecting data used questionnaires, interviews, and documentation techniques. The data was analyzed by descriptive quantitative. The results indicated that implementation of MBKM program has been carried out quite well. (1) Antecedents component, preparation of MBKM program is in high category; (2) Transaction component, the implementation of the MBKM program is categorized as moderate; (3) Outcomes component, the learning outcome of student is in high category.