“…Having first highlighted the complete submission of Mary at the Annunciation ( § §151-64), and the obedience and 'filial piety' demonstrated by Jesus at his circumcision, baptism and temptation ( § §165-73), Blathmac moves on to the events following the crucifixion: Christ's descent into hell and the victorious delivery of the elect from the bondages of the devil. 12 Although Blathmac does not elaborate on the theme in this particular section, 'the harmonious choir of the race of Adam' ( §182) that Christ leads to heaven may in this instance be understood as including the patriarchs, the prophets and other ancient just ones, who, despite not having heard the Gospel, had spent their lives in faith and good works in expectation of the Lord's Passion and resurrection (see Turner 1966). By staying firm in adversities and remaining true to their faith, this group of the righteous had set the example for those of the faithful who would later pay for their loyalty with their own blood.…”