The transition from school to adulthood poses a major challenge for youth with emotional disturbance. This article reports the initial results of Project RENEW, a three-year demonstration project funded by the Rehabilitation Services Administration, that provides comprehensive coordination of transition services for youth and young adults with emotional disturbance's social/emotional development, community adjustment, education, and employment. The project uses seven major components: (a) personal futures planning, (b) interagency coordination, (c) naturally supported employment, (d) flexible high school programming, (e) social skill building, (f) mentors, and (g) flexible funding to support an individual's successful transition. Results after the first 18 months of RENEW for 16 youth and young adults (ages [16][17][18][19][20][21][22] indicated that 15 were successfully employed, 11 had graduated from high school or its equivalent (adult basic education diploma or GED), 3 were working on their high school diplomas, and most were satisfied with their home, work and school situations.This article describes Project RENEW (Rehabilitation, Empowerment, Natural Supports, Education and Work), a service delivery program in Manchester New Hampshire designed to address the unique needs of at UNIV OF PENNSYLVANIA on April 12, 2015 Downloaded from