Reflection asymmetric relativistic mean-field theory is used to investigate the shape evolution for even-even Th isotopes. The calculated deformations, matter density distributions, and potential energy surfaces demonstrate clearly the shape evolution from spherical to octupole deformed. Especially, it is shown that Th isotopes suffer two types of shape transition when the neutron number increases from N = 126 to N = 156. One is from spherical to octupole deformed around N = 134, and another is from octupole to quadrupole deformed around N = 150.The equilibrium shape of atomic nuclei as well as the transition between the different shapes has been the subject of a large number of theoretical and experimental studies (for a review, see, for example, Ref.[1] and references therein). Theoretical studies have typically been based on phenomenological geometric models of nuclear shapes and potentials [2], or algebraic models of nuclear structure [3], which have gained remarkable success in describing the phenomena of shape evolution and shape phase transition (SE/SPT) [4][5][6]. However, to provide greater detail, it is necessary to perform microscopic investigation of SE/SPT. In Ref.[7], the microscopic relativistic mean-field (RMF) theory is applied to Sm isotopes and the SE/SPT from spherical to axially deformed shapes is demonstrated clearly. In Ref.[8], a series of isotopes suggested as exhibiting critical-point symmetries are investigated by the microscopic approach. In combination with generator coordinate method (GCM), RMF theory has presented an excellent description of the general features of the transitions between spherical and axially deformed nuclei, the singular properties of excitation spectra, and the transition rates at the critical point of SPT [9]. In Ref.[10], the triaxial RMF theory is developed. In combination with GCM, the triaxial RMF theory has provided the deformation parameters to solve the five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian, which has presented a good description of the quantum phase transition between spherical and axially deformed shapes, as well as between spherical and triaxially deformed shapes [11][12][13]. Similar checks are performed for nuclear SE/SPT by using nonrelativistic microscopic approaches, including the self-consistent Skyrme-Hartree-Fock + BCS approximation, the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation based on Gogny interaction, etc. The details can be found in the recent literature [14][15][16][17].All these studies only relate to the phase transition between spherical and quadrupole shapes. However, in the Ra-Th region, it was observed that the nuclei 224 Ra and 224 Th, which have a very low-lying negative-parity band, soon merge with the positive-parity one for J > 5, which * implies that the octupole deformation should not be ignored in discussing the behavior of the phase transition [18,19]. In Refs. [20,21], the Bohr Hamiltonian with the collective coordinates involving quadrupole and octupole deformations has been introduced to describe the SE...