INTRODUCTIONThe most collective bands known in nuclei are the rotational bands that occur . wherever the nuclear shape becomes appreciably nonspherical. Such shapes are due to the shell effects in nuclei. 'When 'a shell is filled there is extra stability so that, for the usual (spherical) shell model, a spherical shape is stabilized near closed shells. However, between shells the spherical shape is disfavored and the nucleus deforms in order to find a more favorable energy. Such deformations give rise to an orientation degree of freedom for the nucleus and thereby to the possibil ity of rot at ion.
ROTATIONAL PROPERTIES EnergiesA rotational band reflects a very simple type of collective motion, which changes the orientation of the system without essentially affecting its shape or internal structure. The energy associated with the mot ion is mainly kinetic and may be written (l) where the value Of"", the moment of inertia, depends on the shape and internal structure, w is the angular velocity, and I is the angular momentum. This energy re 1 at ionship expresses one of the most characteri st ic feat ures of nuc lear rot at ional mot ion and appl ies to the rot at ion of any near-rigid symmetric top. It works even better for diatomic molecules. It is interest ing that all the low-lying excitation modes ofa nucleus have analogs in a diatomic molecule. Both systems have rotational, vibrational, and particle eXCitations, with energy scales for the particle excitation (electronic vs. nucleonic) that differ by about 10 6 (eV to MeV). In the molecular case the three modes differ from each other in energy by factors of approximately 50, so they are almost independent (the adiabatic hypothesis works well). However, the (low-lying) nuclear vibrational energies are of the same order as single particle excitations, indicating that this vibrational mode does not become strongly collective in nuclei. The rotational spacings are only about a factor of 10 smaller than the other two, so that nuclear rotational levels show much larger rotation-vibration and single-particle perturbations than do molecular levels.Once rotational motion had been suggested by A. Bohr (1) in 1952, it was soon found; following a decay in the actinide nuclei (A -240) and by Coulomb excitation of the lanthanide nuclei (A -160). As a recent example, the y-ray spectrum of 238U, Coulomb excited by a 208pb beam (2), is shown in Fig. 1. The level scheme is shown on the right side of Fig. 2, where the first few levels follow the purely rotational motion given by Eq. (l) to a few percent. With increasing spin the deviations become larger as the rotational motion increasingly perturbs the intrinsic structure of the nucleus via the Coriolis and centrifugal interactions. Nevertheless, it is remarkable that such a simple picture works so well over such a large range of spin and excitation energy. Coulomb excitation is also a principal experimental technique for determining the other major characteristic of nuclear rotatio...